Today the whole school went to all the classrooms to expereince the art of other people for the theme of the term art alive . The first classroom was `room 21,room 22 , and room 23. They had good art witch included Andy Warhol faces in colloums and rows to match Marilyin Monroe And the Campbells soup cans. Next we went all the way to the year two's space. They had all kinds of art, Samoan art, Indian art and so much more. In room 27 here was a window covered in paint. After that we went to the Room 7 and 8 class rooms to seee therre art. It was nice and there is music playing to calm us down and let the paintings hype us up. Therey had a human sculpture mad out of tissue or tree paper And the little sighn's were holding protest sighns to keep the earth safe. Then we went more far down the hall too seethe big circles on the cellings with some tongan art. They also had some Andy Warhol faces like the year two's. Thanks for reading.
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